IDA Ireland does not deal with any employment requests and the companies should be contacted directly. All announcements made by IDA-assisted companies are added to the Newsroom.
The IDA experience takes you through a typical investment set-up process.
IDA Ireland is funded mainly from Exchequer allocations each year, with additional funding coming from property sales, grant refunds and a small portion from EU funds. Further Information can be found in the Financial Statements of the IDA Annual Report
Read about IDA's Strategy - Winning: Foreign Direct Investment 2015 - 2019
Discover the history of IDA Ireland and FDI in Ireland.
IDA Ireland - IDA supports a range of overseas companies from small high growth businesses to large multinationals.
Enterprise Ireland- This is the government organisation responsible for the development and growth of Irish enterprises in world markets, as well as start-ups from outside Ireland.
Local Enterprise Boards - The Local Enterprise boards support small businesses with 10 employees or less by providing grants and advice.
Business in Ireland gives you a view of what's happening now across sectors and activities. Use our companies database to see which companies are presently operating in Ireland.
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